The pERSONA cANVAS can be used to give a customer segment a face and name and make it easier to step into the shoes of the customer. Personas make talking about customers and their characteristics more tangible and concrete, and make it easier to refer back to a pattern of characteristics. Personas make it possible to create and share mental models and have a common language about several customer types.
If you have ever worked with design or designers, chances are that you have seen multiple varieties of personas being used to get a grip on who a customer or user is. This Persona Canvas helps you to build your own personas.
In our previous blogs about the Cover Story of Elon Musk, and the Context Canvas of the Mobility Market, we talked about the car industry. In this blog we show you two examples of the Persona Canvas. The first persona is about a man who is driving a Toyota, and the second one is a man who is driving a Tesla.
In this example you see Adam Davis, a man who loves to spend a lot of quality time with his family. Adam loves to kitesurf and do other sports, and he and his family have a healthy lifestyle. Because he has an adventurous lifestyle, it is important for him to drive a comfortable and sportive car. He is married with Claire and has two kids, Myra and Owen. He wants the car to be safe for his family with enough space. That is why he drives a Toyota.
In this second example you see Robert Johnson, a man who is always on the road for his work. That is why it is important for him to drive a sustainable and safe car, that is super comfortable. In Robert’s free time, he loves to spend time with his family and golf with his friends. He is married with Susan, who is a marketing manager, and they have two daughters who are in college. He wants to enjoy life in a sustainable way. That’s why he drives a Tesla.
The Persona Canvas is a great way to give a customer segment a face and name and make it easier to step into the shoes of your clients. Fill out the persona with your team. Try to come up with things that your persona experiences, and discuss what they might feel about the experience. What will their response be? If you want to make your own personas with your team, have a look at the step by step guide.
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