The business model canvas is a great tool to help you understand a business model in a straightforward, structured way. Using this canvas will lead to insights about the customers you serve, what value propositions are offered through what channels, and how your company makes money. You can use the business model canvas to understand […]
Recent blogposts in Blog
How to really understand your customer with the Value Proposition Canvas
When you want to really understand your customers, the Value Proposition Canvas, developed by Alex Osterwalder at Strategyzer, is one of the best tools available to help you in this regard. To get started with the Value Proposition Canvas, always begin with the customer. First, have a conversation with your team about who your customer […]
The Future of Work: A WeWork Story
The future of work is upon us. All around us, a world that started with factory workers and lines of desks (and cubicles) is being transformed by technology, globalization, and generational dynamics, into something entirely new. Increasingly, today’s workers don’t want to be bound to a desk in a monolithic company. Rather, they want (and […]
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Take a walk through your company’s Customer Journey
The Customer Journey is a tool to help you get insight into, track, and discuss how a customer experiences a problem you are trying to solve. How does this problem or opportunity show up in their lives? How do they experience it? How do they interact with you? This tool helps in looking at your […]
Step into the shoes of your customers with the Persona Canvas
The pERSONA cANVAS can be used to give a customer segment a face and name and make it easier to step into the shoes of the customer. Personas make talking about customers and their characteristics more tangible and concrete, and make it easier to refer back to a pattern of characteristics. Personas make it possible […]
What drives the mobility market in 2017?
In our previous blog we showed you how to use the Cover Story Canvas. We showed you four ways of how Tesla or Elon Musk could have designed their vision for the future. In this blog we show you how you can use to understand the context of the auto industry and mobility. The Context […]
The Cover Story of Elon Musk
The cover story canvas ® projects you and your team in the future. It is a tool to get more clarity on your vision. Mind you, this tool will definitely challenge you to think beyond the realm of the known and safe. Why else would there be a story about how your company makes a […]
Team Charter Canvas
So, you’ve gathered a team of unusual suspects and diverse characters, BUT How will you agree on your goals, expectations, and values? And how will you deal with challenging situations? Design a team charter canvas together to avoid unnecessary counter productivity or unwanted surprises. And basically it is good to know who you are travelling […]
6 ways to design your vision
The first thing most people do when they here the word ”vision” in a business context is yawn. that’s because most visions are vague, unclear, and, frankly, nothing to get excited about. well-designed visions should be rallying cries for action, invention, and innovation. 1. Ask the customer Look at your vision from a fresh perspective […]
As we’ve all no doubt experienced, opportunities born of changes to consumer habits, technologies, and other trends, do not follow a specific linear path. Yet, for as much buzz as there has been about the word “disruption” over the last decade, it’s interesting that for many of us, as we see the world changing, and […]